Mon 27 Jan
NEW ______SENSUAL _______TREAT by HOT_______ASIAN GIRLS ______NEW.. 23 - 23
(Jones rd /pass to beltway 8 / 290 N)
(( MAKE TONIGHT )) -- YOUR BEST NIGHT -- (( Big Natural 100% Real Boobs ))-- 100 N Up Outca - 25
(Conroe, Houston, Relax -- I COME to YOUR HOME or HOTEL)
(( MAKE TONIGHT )) -- YOUR BEST NIGHT -- (( Big Natural 100% Real Boobs ))-- 80 Incall 100 Outca - 25
(Conroe, Greenspoint Spring 1960 Humble JFK Hardy, Houston)
~~ JU!CY ~~ ~~ J3ss!C@ ~~ ~~ J@RV!s ~~ ~~ NoW ~ On ~ Th3 ~ NoRTh ~ W3sT ~~ N3W P!CTuR3s ~~ - 25
(Houston, 290 Near The Beltway)
¥×¥¥× Jazzy Jones ¥×¥¥× is Coming Back... TODAY !!! and Thick *** LAST DAY HERE 281-865-1651 - 23
INCALL ▊▊▊▊《❤》▊▊▊▊ ▬▬▬ ▊▊《❤》▊▊ —— ►►►► ●Petite●Girl ◄◄◄◄ ▬▬ ▊▊《❤》▊▊ ▬▬▬ ▊▊▊▊《❤》▊▊▊▊ INCALL - 25
(290&43rd; beltway 8; jersey village, City of Houston, Houston)
⭐⭐ 💯 % Independent ⭐⭐Specials Avail 24/7 ⭐⭐Incalls!! - 29
(290 @ fairbanks-beltway 8 @ westview, City of Houston, Houston)
IN / OUT :: LTO :: Beautiful Blonde Model Type :: 100% REAL && VERIFIED - 24
(City of Houston, Houston, In/out hwy 6 and i 10, energy corridor w)
💋 I'm a S U R E Win 💄HOT🔥All R E A L 👙34F 🍑BROWN SuGaR PRiNCESS. - 26
(Houston, 290/610 my place or yours 😍 24/7)
❥Cum and Play with (YOuR DreAm GiRL))aLL FanTaSieS FulLFilLed HeRe☆ - 24
I Can Leave U Distracted -N- Speechless -W- A Pleasurable Experience From A Sexy Wom - 33
(Houston, 290 Near The Beltway Northwest)
How Many Licks Does It Take To Get To Ur Center?? 30 Minutes Notice Please - 25
(290 Near The Beltway)
I CaN KeEp yOuR SeCrEtS oR DrOp tO My kNeEs n bECoMe oNe!! CaUtIoN wEtTeR tHaN A SuBmArInE - 24
(¯`'★ ** I AM ** + '´¯) (¯`'+ ABSOLUTELY + '´¯) (¯`.¸+ A DREAM COME TRUE★'´¯) - 26
(290 Near The Beltway)
Houstons Hottest Housewife!! ($110 incall Special TOAY only) - 29
(Houston, Clay Rd / Beltway (btwn 290 & i-10w))
HOT NW Dominicana MIXD PLAYMAT! ! ! AfTrNooN TraT RaiNy DaY SpciaLs - 21
💥💥💥 HOT💥💥💥▃ ▅ ▆ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ H.O.T.💖CLASSY EXOTIC 💋▃ 🎀PLAYMATE🎀💄🎀 DanCeR CuTie~ 100 INCALL - 22
(Houston, 290 - northwest near beltway 8 - tidwell)
☎~☎ Holly & Haley •◆• ✌girl show 100 roses SPLツ15 Min SpEciAL Amazing —💋ツ30 Min killer 💋-SpEciAL - 24
(Houston, Houston/galleria/290/ beltway/med center)
FULL XXX ESCORT available LET me prove it to YOU asap (832)-272-5808 - 21
FULFILLMENT Guaranteed GENTLEMEN Choice ( 290/610) NW (galleria) beltway/290 - 26
(Houston, NW 290/610(NW)beltwy8 (galleria))
I CaN KeEp yOuR SeCrEtS oR DrOp tO My kNeEs n bECoMe oNe!! CaUtIoN wEtTeR tHaN A SuBmArInE - 24
G O R G E O U - S *° S W E E T °* A S I A N S - 23
(5003 ANTOINE DR E/713-269-1977)
I CaN KeEp yOuR SeCrEtS oR DrOp tO My kNeEs n bECoMe oNe!! CaUtIoN wEtTeR tHaN A SuBmArInE - 24
【☆ F®∈AⓚY°】Moet Luvv★【 SOfT RoUND BOOTY】★【SiMpℓY * Good【&&JuiCY;】★ 100HH Outcall sp.! - 21
***** F R i d A y _____N i GH t _______ F r E a K ***** AVAILABLE ALL NIGHT - 23
(290 and beltway 8)
💯% Every picture Every angle Same Girl👍Yep its 💯% true ! - 29
(Houston, Houston, 45N 1960 Woodlands Galleria Bus)
ஐ Everybody Deserve A Little TLC Sometimes... Outcall Specials! ஐ - 23
(Houston, 290 & Beltway 8 In/Out)
enjoy your SUPER BOWL early with great from brittany starxxx!!!! - 25
🐾 Exotic All Natural Goddess 💋 New In Town ✈️ Limited Time Only ⌛️ Outcalls Only 👜👠🚗🏡 - 19
(45/1960/290/Beltway 8/Spring/Cypress/, City of Houston, Houston)
💦💋👅dripping dominican freak only in town for a week ,experience pleasure peak👀🔥👌 - 19
(290 outcalls and incalls beltway 8, City of Houston, Houston)
DOUBLE DEligHt BoMbSHeLLs ^&^ SeXY MixED ExoTic PLaYmaTes *&* LunCH SpEcIAlS *&* TasTy TreATs - 22
DOUBLE ur PLEASURE _-_-_DOUBLE ur FUN_-_ 2 is ALWAYS better that 1 __ 713 545 6844 - 21
(290&BELTWAY; in&out; calls)
@@@ Desire Is Back n Ready New Location 290 N Beltway 8 Call me Sweetie @@@ - 52
(Houston, BELTWAY 8 N 290 AREA)
Destiny Foster and Becky"Snowbunny deluxe deal 8326717345 - 29
(Beltway 290 -249-45-i-10, City of Houston, Houston, Sugar Land, The Woodlands)
dont miss out guys sexy freaky doll treat available all nite💦👅👅👌 - 20
(beltway 8 290, City of Houston, Houston)
Cute sexy kinky and looking for a great time💦💦💦 "REAL PICTURES" - 19
(290 outcalls and incalls beltway 8, City of Houston, Houston)
Detour Here :: #1 Choice Two Mixed Kittens ( ( EaRlY MoRnInG Specials ) ) - 21
★—*— ((★ Cute Face & The Perfect Body ★)) —**—Super Sexy In Specials ★ - 25
(Houston, 290 610 Beltway 8 1960)
✄-- -- CUT out the FAKES 🎲WHÝ.. 🎲ĢÅMBŁ€ ?🎲W!TH 🎲M€🎲 ¥OUR🎲 Sur€🎲TO🎲 W!N. !🎲 - 30
(1960 45n Galleria Bush IAH, Houston, The Woodlands)
💋Curves Just Right💋🍫 SpEcIaL Little TrEaT🍫💋 BETTER THAN HER👆 AND HER👇 - 29
(Houston, 45N 1960 Woodlands Galleria Bush IAH)
✔ D o _ Y o u _ W a n t _ T o _ B e c o m e _ O n e _ O f _ M y _ R e g u l a r s ? ✔ - 23
(Houston, 290 & Beltway 8 In/Out)
Cum experience *THE JEWELS EXSCAPE* you won't B sorry (♥) 832 885 6576 (♥) - 21
(290&BELTWAY; in&out; calls)
Cum On Over and Relax!!! Well Known Provider!!! U Won't Be Disappointed!!! - 25
(290 Near The Beltway)
Cum experience *THE JEWELS EXSCAPE* you won't B sorry (♥) 713 545 6844 (♥) - 21
(290&BELTWAY; in&out; calls)
*♛* Curvy Cute & Classy !!! !__ Come Relax After Work !! 70 Incall // 120 outcall__ - 20
(Middle of 290 between 610 & beltway)
CoMe ReLaX @@ UpScaLe InCaLL LoCaTiOn @@ 100% REAL @@ TwO MiXeD PLaYMaTeS - 21
»-★-» Click Here to Experience My Juicy Special »-★-» Available All Sunday - 25
(290 Near The Beltway)
⚫️⚫️🚺⚫️🚺⚫️🚺 COME & C.U.D.D.L.E. with a TALL β.ℓ.O.N.D.E. SWEETHEART ⚫️ 80 SPECIAL⚫ 🚺⚫️🚺⚫️🚺⚫️⚫️ - 19
(City of Houston, Houston, Houston / 290 & Beltway / Northwest)
*******Chocolate TREASURE that WILL MAKE You MELT******* - 22
(Houston, 610/288/59/I-10/45/290/Beltway 8 Houston)
»-★-» Click Here To Check Out My Juicy Booty »-★-» Incalls Only No Outcalls - 26
(290 Near The Beltway)
chinese girl ~~ TINA ~~ sweet and lovely !! very very nice!! 713-269-1977 - 26
(5003 antoine dr e/713-269-1977)
*♛* Celeste Is The BEST !___Amazing Booty !!! Come Work It Out !! 70 Incall // 120 outcall__ - 20
(CAutION ) !°⚠•° ( I'M a BADGirL!) °⚠•° ( I WAnnA) °©⚠• (D0 BAD THiNGS! HAPPY HOUR SPECIALS TILL 4 - 21
(290 ♦♦ NEAR BELTWAY, City of Houston, Houston, Sugar Land)
I CaN KeEp aLl yOuR SeCrETs BaBy...oR DrOp To mY KnEeS n bEcOMe OnE
(Stafford/Southwest Houston Private condo)
CALLNOW (80/30mn) Pretty Little Petite Is AVAILABLE & Provides Safe & Private Location - 25
(Houston, BELTWAY-290-JONES)